How to join the Illuminati

Becoming a member of the Illuminati means you will be joining the world’s leading brotherhood. It gives you the opportunity to live together and share knowledge with other members. Wealth, power, fame and protection are some of the gifts of the light. 

Membership is open to people from all backgrounds and the organisation’s aim is to empower members to be the best they can be – it’s about building character, supporting members as individuals and helping them make a positive contribution to society.




The Illuminati welcomes qualified men and women who are interested in the opportunity to join the Brotherhood. Men and women aged 30 and above who believe in the Illuminati and meet the qualifications and standards for membership are eligible to apply for membership. We welcome men and women from all countries, religions, races, ages, incomes, education and opinions. However, to join our prestigious fraternity, one must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be at least 30 years old
  • Hold a belief in the existence of a Supreme Being
  • Good moral character
  • Motivated to join for reasons unrelated to personal gain or profit
  • Be prepared to send us your details
  • Eager to gain knowledge
  • Willing to be part of the long-standing traditions of the fraternity.
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Benefits of joining the Illuminati

There are many benefits of being an Illuminati member apart from Wealth Power Fame and Protection we also provide you with the opportunity to fellowship and share knowledge with other members. It also gives you the opportunity to mentor those who want to achieve wealth and overall well-being. The Illuminati serves as a catalyst for personal transformation, empowering individuals to pursue enlightenment, success, and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

Access to Exclusive Knowledge and Information

Joining the Illuminati provides individuals with a unique opportunity to gain access to exclusive knowledge and information that is not readily available to the general public. One of the major benefits of becoming a member of this secretive organization is the opportunity to expand one’s understanding of various subjects and gain insights that can contribute to personal growth and development.

Within the Illuminati, there exists a vast network of individuals who possess diverse expertise and wisdom. By being a part of this select group, members can tap into this collective knowledge and learn from some of the most brilliant minds in the world. This exclusive access allows individuals to explore and deepen their understanding of topics such as philosophy, science, spirituality, and history.

Furthermore, joining the Illuminati provides access to hidden truths and esoteric knowledge that can have a profound impact on one’s perception of the world. This knowledge is not readily available in mainstream education or public discourse. Through various teachings, writings, and discussions, Illuminati members can uncover alternative perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of the hidden forces and dynamics at play in society.

Being exposed to this exclusive knowledge and information can enhance critical thinking skills and broaden one’s worldview. It encourages individuals to question conventional wisdom and see beyond the surface-level narratives that dominate society. By understanding the deeper layers of reality, Illuminati members can make more informed decisions and navigate the complexities of life with greater wisdom and discernment.

Moreover, the access to exclusive knowledge and information within the Illuminati also opens doors to personal growth and transformation. By continually expanding one’s intellectual horizons, individuals can develop a more profound understanding of themselves and their place in the world. This self-awareness can lead to personal empowerment and a sense of purpose, as members gain a clearer vision of their life’s path and the impact they can make on the world.

Joining the Illuminati offers members the unparalleled benefit of gaining access to exclusive knowledge and information. This exposure to hidden truths and alternative perspectives allows individuals to expand their intellectual horizons, enhance critical thinking skills, and engage in personal growth and transformation. By being part of this select group, members can tap into a wealth of wisdom and expertise that can empower them to navigate life with deeper insights and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Networking Opportunities and Building Powerful Connections

Joining the Illuminati offers a unique opportunity to connect with influential individuals from a wide range of fields. As a member of this exclusive organization, you gain access to a vast network of like-minded individuals who can open doors and create opportunities for you. These networking opportunities can greatly benefit your personal and professional growth.

Being part of the Illuminati allows you to interact with individuals who have achieved great success in various industries such as finance, politics, entertainment, and more. By networking with such individuals, you can gain valuable insights, advice, and mentorship that can propel you towards your goals.

Through these connections, you have the chance to collaborate with talented and influential people on various projects and initiatives. Whether it’s launching a new business venture or creating a positive impact in your community, joining the Illuminati can provide you with the necessary connections to make your visions a reality.

Furthermore, the networking opportunities within the Illuminati extend beyond your immediate circle of contacts. As you continue to build powerful connections, you also gain access to their networks, expanding your reach even further. This interconnected web of influential individuals can significantly enhance your ability to achieve your objectives.

Building relationships with like-minded individuals who share your values and ambitions is essential for personal and professional growth. By joining the Illuminati, you become part of a tight-knit community that fosters collaboration, support, and growth. The bonds you form within the organization can lead to long-lasting friendships, partnerships, and collaborations.

The networking opportunities and building powerful connections that come with Illuminati membership offer immense potential for personal and professional growth. The access to influential individuals and their networks can create opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach, opening doors to success in various aspects of your life.

Unveiling the Potential for Financial and Material Success as an Illuminati Member

Are you interested in uncovering the secret to financial and material success? Look no further. Joining the illustrious organization that is the Illuminati opens up a world of possibilities in terms of prosperity and abundance. By becoming an Illuminati member, you position yourself for potential financial success that few others can claim. In this article, we will explore the benefits and opportunities that await those who decide to embrace the wealth and material prosperity that the Illuminati offers.

One of the primary advantages of joining the Illuminati is the potential to amass wealth beyond imagination. With the organization’s vast network of influential individuals, you gain access to opportunities that can propel your financial standing to new heights. The Illuminati’s emphasis on empowering its members financially provides the necessary tools and guidance needed to achieve substantial economic growth.

Moreover, the Illuminati’s financial resources and knowledge are unparalleled. As a member, you gain access to exclusive insights and information that can help you navigate the complex world of finance and investment. The organization takes pride in equipping its members with the knowledge and expertise required to make sound financial decisions. The teachings and mentorship provided by the Illuminati enable you to unlock the full potential of your wealth and assets.

In addition to financial success, joining the Illuminati can also lead to material abundance. The organization has the means and connections to grant its members access to luxurious resources and opportunities that may otherwise be unattainable. From acquiring high-value assets, such as properties and vehicles, to enjoying extravagant experiences and exclusive privileges, the Illuminati ensures that its members experience the epitome of material success.

Furthermore, the financial benefits of joining the Illuminati extend beyond personal gain. The organization’s core principle revolves around philanthropy and making a positive impact on the world. As an Illuminati member, you can actively participate in projects and initiatives aimed at improving society. By utilizing your newfound resources and influence, you can contribute to noble causes and create a lasting legacy of benevolence.

The Illuminati offers its members the opportunity to achieve unprecedented financial and material success. Through its vast network, wealth of knowledge, and emphasis on empowering its members, the organization opens up a world of possibilities for those who are ready to embark on a journey towards prosperity. By joining the Illuminati, you gain access to exclusive resources, insights, and connections that can help you attain unimaginable levels of wealth and material abundance. Start your path to financial success today and unlock the doors of opportunity that the Illuminati holds.


What is Illuminati brotherhood? the Fraternity is one of the world’s most historic membership organizations, a 300-year-old worldwide fraternity of like-minded people committed to bettering themselves and their communities. Illuminati encompasses a series of moral teachings based on allegory and the symbolism of ancient Fraternities. But we’re so much more than our history. What is illuminati brotherhood objective? We’re here to find friendship, purpose, and connection. 

At its core, Illuminati is about:

  • True Friendship
    Many members meet their best friends through the Illuminati brotherhood. That’s because the illuminati offers a combination that’s hard to find anywhere else: shared traditions, shared purpose, and a shared commitment to fostering lifelong relationships.
  • Personal Development
    Ancient Illuminati focused on building structures. Today’s Illuminati focuses on building Wealth, Fame, and Power. We believe in strong values, and we embody them through our actions, our relationships, and our service to others.
  • Community Service
    Brothers take an obligation to support those around them. Illuminati gives back in a multitude of ways, from local charity drives to statewide efforts through the Illuminati Headquaters.

Like all fraternities, The Illuminati brotherhood has impressive ritual ceremonies that date back centuries. These are presented from memory by officers who are developing their leadership and public speaking skills. There is no requirement to memorize any ritual, but members may choose to participate if they wish

When you express your interest by clicking on the “Apply” button, our initiation master will process a background check. Upon passing the background check, he will discuss with you the purpose, values and history of the fraternity; the requirements and expectations of a potential member; and the benefits of membership. 

Yes. Each headquater sets its own fees for new members, generally between $100 and $300. In addition, members pay annual dues to support the brotherhood’s operations.

Initiation Fee: The headquater charges an initiation fee for each of the thirty-six ranks in the Illuminati. By rule, this fee must be paid before a degree can be conferred. Each lodge sets the fee for its degrees, which typically run between $100 and $300. One question a man may be asked when he seeks to join the lodge is whether he can afford these fees without injuring or depriving his family. If paying the fees will be a hardship, he is encouraged to wait until his financial situation improves.

Annual Fraternity Dues: Each member must pay annual dues to maintain his membership in good standing. This amount is paid each year before the brotherhood annual meeting and election of officers. Typical lodge dues average about $100 per year, depending on the activities and location of the headquaters. Headquaters with active social and family programs or with buildings to support may collect more in annual dues.

Occasionally, a member will have trouble paying his dues because of job loss, medical expenses, or other financial setbacks. When this happens, the headquater will work with the member to accommodate his individual situation. The goal of the headquaters is to keep each Member an active member.

There are 2 ways to pay your Headquater dues, here’s how to:

  1. Your Headquater will send you a Membership Renewal Notice starting in August of each year. The renewals will be sent via email (if listed on your Grand View account) and by mail. Headquaters dues are to be paid by the Headquater’s annual meeting in November.
  2. You can pay your dues in 2 different ways:
    1. Drop off your dues notice and payment to your Authorized Master.
    2. Pay via bank transfers or Bitcoin to your Headquaters account. Once the payment has gone through you’ll be set for another great Illuminati year!
illuminati symbol light Illuminati Secret Society

join the illuminati